We relentlessly carry on a charade that everyone has seen through, but is kind enough to play along with. We're talking of the lie that we've somehow got it all together...
We sit on many opportunities because we feel there may be something greater yet to come or don't want to disappoint those in proximity to us. As a result we live in a self-imposed limbo detrimental to our mental health. What if we could instead trade this anguish for serenity?
Time is a fluid concept. Some days we can't have enough, while others seem to drag on even as we fill them with inane activities. This week Peter challenges us to consistently live with urgency...
This life at times seems a relentless struggle: You solve one consternation only to find another lying in wait. What if we could trade that struggle for peace instead...
We tell others that we love all sorts of things: Our sports teams, our pets, our new haircuts, and even our latest Netflix Binge. The word 'love' is so devalued by overuse that we are left wondering how we can express our depth of feeling for those in proximity...