Forensics serve as a focal point in the modern justice system.
We dispatch expert investigators to the scene of a crime / accident to collect particulates, analyze spray patterns, and scrub electronic records in an attempt to validate data points that underscore the series of events. For the 'fingerprints' often belie the truth.
Were such an investigator hired to look into your life, what conclusions might they come to?
They would likely reach some of the obvious answers: family members, associates, location of your home, and likely employment. But how would they characterize your lifestyle? Would they be able to determine your values or belief system simply by observing you? Such is the question we are faced with in the scripture today:
“If someone claims, “I know him well!” but doesn’t keep his commandments, he’s obviously a liar. His life doesn’t match his words. But the one who keeps God’s word is the person in whom we see God’s mature love. This is the only way to be sure we’re in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.”
John unapologetically asserts that our actions should match our claimed allegiances and priorities, and that anything short of congruency is a farce. For our actions provide indicators of our value system, akin to data points, that guide others to a more complete picture of our beliefs.
Such actions prove difficult as we live in an era of veiled beliefs. Our culture alleges the politically correct move is to hold ones cards as closely as possible and appear generally agnostic. Unfortunately, in doing so we limit our potential impact. For the source of our joy and servant spirit remains largely unacknowledged.
Take a look at your life this week and and ferret out those aspects and actions that point elsewhere. Let go the stress of a double life and live freely and confidently in the person you were designed to be.
-the contrary disciple