How many of your thoughts are consumed with your own well-being and status?
If you are anything like me, it is more than you'd like to admit and can even keep you up at night. The truth is there is a lot to be concerned about: your health, your relationships, your career, your perception, your advancement, your opportunities, and your compensation to name a few. Worse still, we only have a limited impact on each of these items and can never control them to our full satisfaction.
This reality brings us to one of two conclusions: 1. Struggle in vain with attempts to control something beyond your influence, or 2. Do your part while also placing your trust in something/someone beyond you who has dominion over the entirety. As we have undoubtedly gleaned from our futile efforts, only one provides assurance, peace, and rest:
“So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.”
One of my greatest fears is failing to realize my potential. Maybe you are the same way. I find myself constantly analyzing my situation and wondering if I am doing enough, or if I am in the right place, or in the right job. There is a part of it that is healthy skepticism, but uncoupled from faith in something more, this drive proves deleterious to my health. For if there is nothing more, I am solely responsible for my success or failure. Conversely, a trust in the divine provides me with the peace and patience necessary to find rest and contentment along the journey.
It's too easy to get caught up in what we should be doing, where we should be at, what relationship we should be in, or what we should be making. We 'should' let those thoughts go and simply be. The freeing nature of the passage above is profound. Don't discount the details or your aspirations, but be sure to enjoy the moments you are in now.
So what is it you are stressing over? Is it truly something you possess dominion over? Give it over to God and experience contentment for a change. I venture to say we could all use a little more this week.
-the contrary disciple