For something or someone to prove themselves we accept that they often must face and overcome a crucible. Why then do we treat our faith with kid gloves?
Complaints account for a fair amount of our daily interactions with others. We complain about our jobs, our funds, our negative experience at the coffee shop, and most often it seems we complain about each other...
In this, the season of resolutions, we often focus on improving ourselves. Eating more healthy and working out are fine aspirations, but what if this year we focused on something far more lasting and consequential...
Our words hold the potential to be divisive or unifying. Look no further than the latest tweets, texts, or emails broadcasts on the news. James challenges us to reassess our flippant responses and respect the awesome power of our words...
Have you ever baked something and failed to include a key ingredient? I'd imagine the result was less than ideal. James challenges us with the same logic in our lives this week...