Ephesians 2: Blind Attempts

Ephesians 2: Blind Attempts

Paul beautifully pairs our own shortcomings with God's patience, redemption, and plan for our lives.  He reminds the Ephesians, and us, that despite our penchant for disobedience, God diligently waits for us to surface from our self-generated complications so He can re-direct our blind attempts to manifest truly positive impacts...

Galatians 5: Freedom is a Choice

Galatians 5: Freedom is a Choice

Paul asserts that we have already achieved true Freedom thanks to Christ.  However, we regularly yield this gifted Freedom to pursue base desires and in doing so unnecessarily complicate our lives and permanently decrease our future capacity for Freedom.  Paul challenges us to understand that true Freedom is not the absence of rules, order or consequence, but a free and clear mind, which springs from an unencumbered life...

Galatians 4: Not a Slave, but an Heir

Galatians 4: Not a Slave, but an Heir

We continue our tour of Galatians with Chapter 4.  Paul spends the majority of the chapter using slavery as an allegory to help the Galatians, and us, understand what our relationship with God is like.  We aren't mere peons toiling and mindlessly carrying out the orders of some unseen master,  but adopted heirs privileged to experience a relationship and blessed with an inheritance...

Galatians 3: It's not you, it's ME

Galatians 3: It's not you, it's ME

Continuing our exploration of Paul's Letters, we find Paul correcting the Galatian Church for straying from the message by incorrectly focusing on the rules vice the relationship.  Paul drives them towards the realization that: As 'good' as we may be, we will always come up short of perfect, which isn't hopeless only because Christ closes that gap for us...