Ahoy and greetings to you all. As always, I hope this blog finds you well and proves a well spent moment of your valuable time.
This week we began our study of the Book of Ephesians, a letter from the Apostle Paul to the Church he began in Ephesus (located in modern day Turkey.)
Paul addresses a fundamental question we all face: Are we in the right place? Is it simply by chance that we have arrived and find ourselves in the midst of what we are facing today? Paul's answer is no; we are here as part of the plan. Our lives are not merely random or a mistake, but important enough to be included and planned for from the beginning.
“Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.”
What this statement conveys is that we are here in this place and time by design. God, fully understanding us (both strengths and weaknesses), our society, and this era in history saw now as where we were needed and would flourish. Are we then exempt from strife and disappointment? Certainly not. However, regardless of circumstance we should be filled with encouragement and purpose understanding that God had each of us in mind from the beginning. Indulge me in an analogy for a moment:
Consider God the manager of a baseball team, and each of us relief pitchers prepping in the bullpen for a game that stretches through time. As the wise and patient manager He pre-planned the situations He wants to bring each of us in for. Then He, fully aware of all the circumstances of this era, called down and brought us in, not to simply survive, but to thrive here and now.
Paul continues with what I found to be a mindset altering statement:
“The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.”
What a short and simple statement with far-reaching effects. What Paul is saying is that the Church, those who believe and follow Christ, aren't outsiders missing out on what everyone else is doing. Instead, the Church is at the very core because the World was designed by God to support the Church. How contrary to our viewpoint of the World today.
The World has been perverted by the selfish actions of us and our ancestors through the ages and moved away from its original design. Yet, we are not without hope and maintain the opportunity to leave a positive impact everyday. For as Paul writes, we are His body by which he speaks and acts. Our charge then is to be that positive influence on those around us and alter our microcosms in the right direction. What this World needs for change is us. We are perfectly suited and selected to have that positive impact on society today. As the first verse we looked at claims, this is the time in history God selected for you because he perfectly understands your potential and gifts.
From a practical application standpoint we should be emboldened and encouraged in the knowledge that God chose us for just this set of circumstances, and that we are on the inside with full access to the plan. What then do we do with this information? Go forth and live boldly, secure in the knowledge that this is right where God wanted you to be with the opportunities you were designed to have.
Have a great week and as always please share with a friend and subscribe if you haven't already. Now is your time.
-the contrary disciple