Ahoy and greetings to you all! Thoughts and prayers out to those affected by the recent Hurricanes. Experiencing the trail edge from the Atlanta Airport this week certainly lent some perspective.
We continue our ongoing study this week with Ephesians 3 in which Paul lays out for us a powerful strength all too often left dormant. Through this edition of TCD we endeavor to define what this strength is, where it comes from, and how we can access it to embolden and enable ourselves. Let's begin:
“I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—”
Witnessing any feat of strength is impressive. Have you ever watched those strongman competitions late at night on ESPN? For those who may have missed it, the competitions featured a group of massive individuals from across the globe with names like Hans and Frans that met to prove their worth. The competitions were amazing in how outlandish they were, ranging from pulling an 18-wheeler, to shrugging a car, even tossing full kegs. Raw strength and power on full display.
However, what Paul is driving at is not brute strength, but inner strength. We have all witnessed inner strength first hand in ourselves and others when we experience a difficult situation. Be it a stressful time period, a failure, or even a loss of life, what carries people through challenging circumstances is their inner strength. And I submit that at it's core, this inner strength is a quiet confidence that regardless of circumstance, everything will regress to the mean. We can accept this confidence from a myriad of sources or philosophies, but only one possess the staying power to guarantee that reality: God.
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”
God is the definitive avenue to trust amidst uncertainty because He alone has capability to affect it. Not to say that He is Santa Claus and will make everything alright and give everyone everything they desire, just that choosing to put your trust in Him vice people or other philosophical avenues provides you with more than some nebulous hope. The truth we all face is that we possess limited control of the circumstances of our lives. A truly disheartening realization if our own resources are the full breadth of our capabilities. Thankfully they aren't:
“When we trust in him, we’re free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go. So don’t let my present trouble on your behalf get you down. Be proud!”
If this life is the end, then it is only logical that we would do everything to safeguard it. But to do so would be to severely limit our potential and experience here on Earth. However, if I truly trust in God then I understand that life is not the grand finale, merely the preamble. Secure in that understanding, I am free to fully give myself to my family/friends/work and fully experience this World. To travel, to skydive, to live knowing that should the worst happen it only means I am entering the next phase. Not that I should be reckless, only that I shouldn't live paralyzed by fear. Keep in mind that Paul is writing all of this while imprisoned. If anyone has the right to lend perspective, surely it is him.
Our application this week is therefore to go forth and live boldly! My desire to cast off my unchecked fears and charge forward in this life empowered by a strength that comes from faith in Him. For when we finally submit to Him, we finally experience true peace. So let go and exercise the awesome strength and confidence waiting for you.
Have a great week and stay encouraged! And as always, make sure you Subscribe, like, and share with a friend.
-the contrary disciple