Galatians 2: Stay True

Galatians 2: Stay True

This week we continue our study of Paul's Letters to the Churches with Galatians 2.  In this chapter I think Paul is driving two central points:

  1. We should live consistently regardless of who is 'watching'
  2. Christianity is not about achieving perfection but accepting grace

  To those points, Paul lays out some excellent examples...

Galatians 1: Variant Message

Galatians 1: Variant Message

We began Galatians this week, which continues our study of Paul's letters to the churches. The Galatians originally received the message from Paul and become devout followers, however in his absence they allowed their focus to wane and eventually reverted back to their old ways and allowed the message to be contorted...

2nd CORINTHIANS 11: Our Struggle with Simplicity

2nd CORINTHIANS 11: Our Struggle with Simplicity

This week we continued our study of Paul's Letters with 2nd Corinthians Chapter 11.   The big takeaway here was that God in his genius provides us with a simple solution to the complex messes we create: repent and be forgiven.  And I think we struggle with this because we somehow want it to be more difficult; we struggle to accept simple and postulate that the more complex the solution, the more refined, the better...