Ben Meyers April 27, 2019 Psalms Psalms 13: Comfort vs. Conflict Ben Meyers April 27, 2019 Psalms Choosing comfort over conflict appears rational before deeper study.
Ben Meyers April 20, 2019 Luke Luke 24: Errant Search Pattern Ben Meyers April 20, 2019 Luke “Why do you search for the living among the dead?”
Ben Meyers April 6, 2019 Psalms Psalms 12: Refreshingly Honest Ben Meyers April 6, 2019 Psalms When was the last time you encountered raw truth?
Ben Meyers March 30, 2019 Psalms Psalms 11: Entropy Ben Meyers March 30, 2019 Psalms How can we battle the inevitable descent from order to dissonance?
Ben Meyers March 23, 2019 Psalms Psalms 10: Absolute Transparency Ben Meyers March 23, 2019 Psalms What if everything we thought or did was known?
Ben Meyers March 16, 2019 Psalms Psalms 9: Safe House Ben Meyers March 16, 2019 Psalms Why does it seem the more tasks we complete on the way to relaxation, the further away relaxation becomes?
Ben Meyers March 9, 2019 Psalms Psalms 8: Perspective Ben Meyers March 9, 2019 Psalms We can only rise above the meaningless when we have glimpsed the truly meaningful.