Ben Meyers February 25, 2019 Psalms Psalms 7: Victims of Our Own Failure Ben Meyers February 25, 2019 Psalms Does vengeance deliver peace?
Ben Meyers February 16, 2019 Psalms Psalms 6: Rethinking Adversity Ben Meyers February 16, 2019 Psalms Maybe we’ve over focused on just one aspect of adversity…
Ben Meyers February 8, 2019 Psalms Psalms 5: Healthy Habits Ben Meyers February 8, 2019 Psalms Human beings are creatures of habit… and we can use that to our advantage.
Ben Meyers February 2, 2019 Psalms Psalms 4: Letting Go of More Ben Meyers February 2, 2019 Psalms We have been misled by a society that tells us ‘more’ is the answer
Ben Meyers January 26, 2019 Psalms Psalms 3: Needed Rest Ben Meyers January 26, 2019 Psalms Our schedules are saturated and sleep is sadly the first line item on the cut list
Ben Meyers January 21, 2019 Psalms Psalms 2: All By Myself Ben Meyers January 21, 2019 Psalms Our fierce independence is serviceable until tragedy strikes
Ben Meyers January 12, 2019 Psalms Psalms 1: Where'd You Go? Ben Meyers January 12, 2019 Psalms Are the places we go helping or hindering our potential?