1 PETER 2: Free From Ourselves

We are so incredibly free...

Who in history has had more opportunity to do anything than us?  Choices abound: where to travel, where to live, what work to do, who to love, and the list continues.  Better still we can accomplish these at a much greater rate thanks to advances in transportation, the advent of the internet, and now mobile apps.  In fact, we are so unbound that FOMO (fear of missing out) has even been added to the dictionary as a real condition.

What then is the ultimate expression of this freedom we have been gifted?  What immediately comes to mind is simply doing whatever you want all the time.  Which is great in theory but fails to account for the 7.6 billion other people on the planet, their free will, and of course consequences.  For if free will does not also include the results of our actions, its not truly freedom, only a padded room without escape.  With Peter's guidance we'll attempt to rectify some conflicting thoughts on the topic of freedom:

Exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government.
— 1st Peter 2:16-17

We think by doing whatever we want we are more free, but in truth we are often simply submitting to base desires. Allowing urges to control our lives vice logical thought.  And the consequences of these urges thereby reduce our freedom.  Take any vice a couple steps and see for yourself how the associated consequences validate this claim.

The value of discipline is something that has been recognized consistently throughout history.  Nearly every successful society has thrived because of their reverence for and commitment to discipline.  I'm not talking about compelled discipline in the form of slavery, rather societies who had a choice and saw the best expression of their freedom was not depravity but self-regulation.

Better still, the creator who put everything in order and perfect balance can be thanked by living according to the wisdom He has provided.  I can't promise our FOMO will be cured, but we should be able to sleep confident in our actions.  And we certainly have a better chance to maintain the awesome freedom we have been gifted.  The greatest things we can achieve are not the result of a life untethered but one rooted in persistent commitment. 

Have a great week and be sure to share with a friend.

-the contrary disciple