We begin new experiences with optimism, energy, and clarity.
And typically find all three waning with each passing day.
For in a fresh situation we can generally discern any issue in the first ninety days with the greatest clarity we will have throughout our tenure.
However, before long we begin to settle in. All those things that once felt so critical are suddenly overcome by other more pressing issues, and we begin accept things as they are. For we despise unfinished tasks and therefore consciously and subconsciously look for ways we can remove unfinished tasks from our lists. The moment we being to question their efficacy, they are stricken. We forego our lofty ambitions to re-face the whole thing and instead settle as the details fade into background noise. We become the people that answer, ‘that’s just the way it’s always been.’
But those that achieve true greatness never allow this normalization to occur. Instead, they retain their commitment to the belief that things can be better. They do so by celebrating when things are right, and immediately calling out those areas that require correction.
“But he says to the Son,
You’re God, and on the throne for good; your rule makes everything right. You love it when things are right; you hate it when things are wrong. That is why God, your God, poured fragrant oil on your head,
Marking you as our king, far above your dear companions.”
We can make a difference, but only if we resist the urge to settle.
Our discernment when we first walk into an environment will never be clearer. We must take advantage of these fleeting moments to capture what truly must be changed if we desire to have a meaningful impact. For what we allow to transpire in our presence becomes the new standard. We can say all the right things, but if we don’t address issues right when we notice them, all is for naught.
Maybe it is time to take a step back and reconsider the situations you find yourself in. What in them would you not accept if you were walking into them today? It is never too late to hit reset.