Life on Earth is complex, unknown, tragic, and ultimately short.
This fearful reality leaves us with several options: deny reality and live in blissful ignorance, accept the truth and maximize every moment for personal gain, choose the way of the hermit to shield yourself, or finally find something that can overcome the fear.
As we reflect on our lives, we can undoubtedly point to instances when we have exercised each of these practices to varying degrees of success. However, it is important to note that the latter is the only expression that can be centered outside of the self. While we may attempt many methods, the single most powerful tool to overcome fear is that of love.
“There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love.”
Love and fear both come from the same place: understanding. To truly love or wholly fear something we must first understand it. Think a child with a hot stove. Fear is not initially present because they lack an understanding of the associated danger. Love is much the same way. We may find someone attractive, or think a new acquaintance engaging. But it is only when we invest time and more fully understand the person that the emotion of love comes into focus.
Fear is extremely powerful and should be. By design it limits our risk in order to keep us alive. However, as a society we have become hyper-conscious of fear. The results have not better informed and protected us, but rather stymied and limited us.
Enter love to overcome the gridlock of fear. It is the mother lifting a burning car to rescue a child, the soldier racing through effective fire to pull his comrade to safety. Love overcomes and propels us though the most profoundly challenging experiences.
This power however is not limited to extreme circumstances. We share the same opportunity to embrace love in our everyday lives. I urge you to apply love this week, defuse the fear, and witness the freedom you are afforded.
-the contrary disciple