Ben Meyers April 1, 2020 Luke Luke 3: Meaningful Organization Ben Meyers April 1, 2020 Luke Who knew staying at home would be this challenging?
Ben Meyers March 20, 2020 Luke Luke 2: Isolation Ben Meyers March 20, 2020 Luke Current events have driven us to isolation, but is this event wholly novel?
Ben Meyers March 7, 2020 Luke Luke 1: Change How You Change Ben Meyers March 7, 2020 Luke We can all be obstinate at times… especially when we want to be.
Ben Meyers October 24, 2019 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 3: Grace Ben Meyers October 24, 2019 Thessalonians How should we react when people disappoint us?
Ben Meyers October 6, 2019 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 2: What We Asked For Ben Meyers October 6, 2019 Thessalonians Does success mean we are following God’s will?
Ben Meyers September 21, 2019 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1: Forgotten Step Ben Meyers September 21, 2019 Thessalonians Sometimes we forget a critical component in our decision making.
Ben Meyers September 7, 2019 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians 5: Control Ben Meyers September 7, 2019 Thessalonians When bombarded by fickle nature of reality it is difficult to believe we have any measure of control.