Human beings are creatures of habit.
Our alarms goes off at the same time, we brush our teeth, we make coffee, we drink it in the same chair, and soon we are driving on auto-pilot to work. These actions all occur with minimal energy or mental exertion because we have formed habits through repetitive action.
Through the years we pick up and drop useful habits, random habits, bad habits, and even bizarre habits. And what we should all recognize, reflecting on our own experience, is that our habits, and therefore ourselves, are malleable. We can implement or cease rituals through our daily actions.
Continuing in our reflective exercise, I’d ask you to think on all your daily habits. Once compiled, I’d ask whether your habits are moving you closer to the person you want to become or are simply tangential efforts? We can not expect every activity to be profound, but if we aren’t intentionally and actively exercising some positive habits how can we expect change?
David provides a prime example of a daily positive habit to move the needle:
“Every morning
you’ll hear me at it again.
Every morning
I lay out the pieces of my life
on your altar
and watch for fire to descend.”
The practice David typifies in this instance is that of daily prayer and study. While we aren’t all morning people, we are all people who would benefit from the discipline of this daily action. For with each daily investment the routine becomes more ingrained and our priorities shift ever so slightly. This gradual change expands both our understanding and relationship with him. In essence, this routine serves to focus our minds on Him first and primes us to remain tuned to His wisdom for the rest of the day.
As we proceed in this still young year perhaps we can strive for more than just a thinner waistline and larger bank account. Let us implement and maintain positive activities that will become habits and further cement our pursuit of His will. May we approach our daily prayer and study with renewed vigor as we seek to live with ever greater intentionality.