How often are you worried about something you have no control over?  How frequently does that nervousness drain your strength and confidence?  Can I answer more often than I'd like to admit?  In the text this week Paul challenges us to give up this unproductive and destructive tendency and replace it with petitions to the one who possess real power...

Philippians 1: Love, Motives, and Truly Living

Philippians 1: Love, Motives, and Truly Living

How are we called to live? What does the right way to approach relationships look like? Paul, although imprisoned for his beliefs, is bubbling with enthusiasm as he lays out these answers for the Philippians.  Centering on the topic of love, Paul's guidance and personal example reminds us that regardless of circumstance, we can maintain a good attitude and make a positive impact on our world...

Ephesians 6: Our Absolute Best

Ephesians 6: Our Absolute Best

Have you ever seen a movie with a great pump-up speech?  Something that stirs you and truly compels you to act?  Ephesians 6 is written as just that inspirational message.  We see that our hard work never goes unnoticed and that our families, friends, and communities need us to exercise our unique talents now more than ever...

Ephesians 5: Wide Open Living

Ephesians 5: Wide Open Living

How do we live better lives?  How do we love those around us more?  Paul tackles these and other challenging questions through a rich Chapter dedicated to a myriad of topics.  Ultimately, we find that if we can follow His example, let go of what's been holding us back, and refuse to accept role of the victim, we can achieve so much more...

Ephesians 4: What's your plan?

Ephesians 4: What's your plan?

Where are you going to be ten years from now?  What will you have accomplished?  These are questions we all too often dismiss as cheesy or simply fail to provide them their due respect.  We are so impatient that we just start going in a general direction without truly lining out the route.  Paul implores us to 'run' in the direction God called us to travel, to avoid sitting on our hands, and not to waste our precious time going "down some path that leads nowhere."  But how can we achieve this list and fully realize our potential if we aren't sure where we are trying to get?