Being heard is one of our fundamental longings.
We want to express our thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and concerns and have them understood. We want those we care for to care deeply for what we have to say. Along this same vein, marriage has taught me the value of not listening for the part where I can fix something, but truly listening to understand and console.
But sometimes we feel alone, sometimes we are afraid to express our doubts or fears, and sometimes what we are experiencing surpasses human understanding or capacity. It is in these moments that we seek something beyond ourselves. It is in these moments we pray.
But where do our prayers go? Does God actually listen? Care? Allow us to consider these concepts through the lens of David who had reasons for prayer in excess:
“A hostile world! I call to God,
I cry to God to help me.
From his palace he hears my call;
my cry brings me right into his presence—
a private audience!”
What this verse tells us is that our prayers are heard. That our ‘cries’ bring us into a private audience with God. Thus answering the questions posited with the affirmative that he both listens and cares. That our prayers are not discarded or ignored but heeded.
How significant to ponder that we can achieve direct contact with a supreme being who deems us worthy of attention. And how humbling to consider how little we take advantage of this unfathomable access. If you had a direct line to the President would you use it? If you knew he would answer your call and cared about your thoughts and perspective would you provide consistent input?
This week let us attempt to better use of our supreme privilege of direct communication with the divine. Let us enter into dialogue that extends beyond our temporal needs and truly develop the relationship we were designed for.