We all want to know the secret to success.
We read books, listen to podcasts, and attend lectures all with the aim of uncovering some hidden truth we may apply to our lives. We hope to glean insight that will expedite our success, development, diet, or investments. For in the age of Amazon Prime, we simply are not content with the painstaking process and timeline associated with genuine growth and change. We prefer the narratives of talent and luck over those of diligence and faithfulness because they absolve us of responsibility.
An element of chance may exist in our success, but from an analytics standpoint, we must set conditions and execute the timeless fundamentals to give ourselves the most favorable probability. In the Psalm below, David provides the secret to success from God’s perspective with no astonishing revelation.
“Walk straight, act right,
tell the truth.
Don’t hurt your friend, don’t blame your neighbor;
despise the despicable.
Keep your word even when it costs you, make an honest living, never take a bribe.
You’ll never get blacklisted if you live like this.”
These are simple guidelines void of anything novel or crazy. We know them to be true, but still they leave us wanting. For these are not easy or quick tasks. These take a lifetime, are genuinely challenging, and can be costly.
The truth is that the process itself is what yields our desired results. The long-suffering we endure on the path to a better-self is required in us to produce true growth and lasting change. We are simply too fickle and clever for anything else to stick.
Lives well lived are increasingly rare in our world. They require uncommon steadfastness and commitment to the truth. For when we achieve it is not the diploma, title, or money we celebrate or remember; it is the process and discipline it required.