Proverbs 5: Who Has the Right?

We are bombarded by the opinions of others incessantly.

Whether solicited, or more often not, we find that people are ready to offer us corrections and refined direction for our lives.  Regardless of their station, relationship with us, or expertise on a topic, people unabashedly extol us with their 'two cents.'

This cavalcade of uninformed and often misguided opinions can be stifling.  We find ourselves trapped in a dearth of advice and empty platitudes that only serves to lace our thoughts and actions with greater uncertainty.  Thankfully we find a passage in Proverbs 5 on the topic:

You don’t want to squander your wonderful life,
to waste your precious life among the hardhearted.
Why should you allow strangers to take advantage of you?
Why be exploited by those who care nothing for you?
— Proverbs 5:9-10

The consistent problem we face is that many of the people readily offering their opinion fail to fully understand your problem and, to a larger extent, you.  They just don't have the time and depth with you to be properly informed or understand the fullness of the implications of the situation.  Worse still, some aren't even acting out of a desire to aid you, only to feel better about themselves for having helped 'fix' you.

This isn't to say we should discard everyone's opinion.  We were designed for community and there is a select group we should absolutely confide in; a close group of people who know and understand the true us, our past, and our aspirations.  These people, likely our close friends, spouse, or family members, are a vital sounding board to ensure we receive wise counsel at even our most vulnerable moments.  These confidants encourage us to remain true to our values and provide us genuine advice free from judgment.

It's time to let the opinions of a multitude of extraneous people go.  For you were uniquely designed by one who wants the world to experience the fullness that is you.  Therefore, guard carefully the right to influence your heart and mind.


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