We have all been, and will again be, slighted by someone. It is inevitable and absolutely beyond our control.
Whether intentional or not, the impacts are felt the same. We feel disrespected, unappreciated, and taken advantage of. Our initial reactions are often instinctual (fight, flight, freeze) but what comes next is of extreme importance. For our responses in the short term and the long term determine the trajectory of our relationships and indeed shape our character.
Sadly, we seldom realize the awesome power we possess in those moments. Instead, we flippantly react seeking vindication and vigilante justice, never pausing to effectively weigh our options.
“Overlook an offense and bond a friendship;
fasten on to a slight and—good-bye, friend!”
Choosing to seek reunification vice retribution requires grace on the part of the victim. A willingness to put aside our pain for the ‘good’ of the relationship, the organization, or our own mental wellbeing. Certainly no small undertaking.
If asked, most people would consider grace an admirable trait. However, we find it a difficult gift to bestow upon others. This is likely because we seldom afford ourselves the luxury. For when we fail our own untenable standards we rarely provide ourselves such quarter.
But grace is so much more than just relief for our offenders. Grace affords us the opportunity for closure without sullying ourselves, a chance to exercise our appreciation for the grace we have already received, and an occasion where we can genuinely pay it forward.
For we have all required, and will gain require, grace. Let us do our part this week to further engender this trait into our culture.