We all yearn for a ‘perfect’ world in which we expend energy on only our passions, have unlimited resources, and experience absolute fulfillment.
Unfortunately, this perfect world fails to exist and we instead must toil to meet our needs. Yet, the longing for utopia perseveres, and advertisers are well aware. It seems every opportunity presented promises to provide easy money and require minimal effort from the practitioner. Yet we know from experience these promises always come up short. That they deliver only enough to convince us to invest to the ‘next level.’
Therefore we, like all our ancestors, must be discerning in our pursuits. Solomon understood and offered this advice:
“An intelligent person is always eager to take in more truth;
fools feed on fast-food fads and fancies.”
We have all been suckered in by promises of ‘free lunches’ and we may never fully escape their allure. However, the encouragement of this Proverb is to alternatively lean on, and seek, truth in those times. We know that nothing comes free or easy, be it in the financial or relational sectors of our lives. Therefore we must stand firm in the truth we intuit: that real success requires time, effort, and sacrifice.
What get-rich-quick schemes or theories are still you hanging onto? Search your life this week to identify and release them. Then reallocate that misspent energy towards the pursuit of wisdom. For commitment and diligence are the price one must pay for true fulfillment and success.