Humility is a funny topic to discuss.
Universally we can agree that humility is a desirable trait. We recognize and appreciate it in those around us and aspire to emulate them. Furthermore, we all believe ourselves to be on the right side of the bell curve of humility.
But the truth is, we also like to feel special. Exclusive access, TSA Pre-Check Lines, an invitation to the small group. It feels good to be 'special.' To be the one who points out the inefficiencies while others strive to physically accomplish the task.
Unfortunately this desire to be important can sometimes preclude us from realizing our true potential. And without getting our hands dirty we lose touch with what we are using others to do. We also miss out on the side benefits of seeing our efforts mature in a concrete fashion.
“Better to be ordinary and work for a living
than act important and starve in the process.”
While humility is certainly at the forefront of the proverb, another theme repeats itself here: discernment. Understanding your appropriate posture and actions throughout changing circumstances. And that knowledge, coupled with proper application, is a true expression of wisdom.
So let us approach this week with a renewed spirit of humility and seek with greater effort to discern our place. In doing so we can ensure we aren't shoved out, but raised up by those around us.