Details matter.
For what often separates true greatness from mediocrity is the little things.
The attention to detail, micro design features, and aesthetics really can make all difference.
For we all possess an innate ability to intuit quality. And while we may not be able to fully articulate ‘why’, we can almost always identify ‘if’ something possess excellence. We’ve all sat in a luxury car or walked into an upscale hotel and simply mouthed, “this is nice.”
This power of discernment extends well beyond the the inanimate to the people we interact with on a daily basis. Regardless of our ability to vocalize the nuances in the moment, we can rather quickly identify friend or foe, and are accordingly either drawn in or put up walls. For we consciously and subconsciously catalogue everything about those around us so we might better understand them. The ‘data’ ever-shaping our perception of not only them us but the institutions and beliefs they represent as well.
“Our work as God’s servants gets validated -or not- in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, hard times, tough times, bad times”
When big moments come upon us, we typically ascribe them their requisite attentiveness to ensure we act appropriately. However, consider that while weighty, the data points these ‘big’ events generate make up only a small portion of what may be millions someone is assessing us and all we represent (our family, our job, our beliefs) on. How we live on a daily basis then, especially when the chips are down, should be allocated greater consideration given the balance of perception accounted for.
“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”
The details of your life might just make all the difference for someone. Don’t forfeit an opportunity because of inattention or apathy. We never know when our last touchpoint with someone might be, so may we interact accordingly and give the particulars their due.