We fancy ourselves wise and rational.
We believe our intellect generally guides us well.
And yet, none of us really know why we do somethings. Sure we can posit rational reasons in the aftermath, but we find ourselves taken back by our actions all too often. Left wondering why we said or did something unexpected, why someone else did, or why things didn’t turn out as planned. And we chafe at our lack of understanding.
Therefore, to avoid repeating this ill fate, we turn inward and our goal becomes the accrual of knowledge. We voraciously pour over material and media connected with the topic and our egos swell with our ‘understanding’. Yet it is tenuous ground we stand on, for the world is ever-changing and people are irrational actors. In spite of our best efforts, we fail once more and restart our sisyphusian loop.
However, God offers a supreme alternative: let it go and love Him instead. Accept that He knows everything (including us) and has accordingly laid out a pathway to purpose and fulfillment.
“But sometimes our humble hearts can help us more than our proud minds. We never really know enough until we recognize that God alone knows it all.”
Our default is to assume WE will figure a way out of whatever mess we are in. We convince ourselves that we just need to apply more brain-power and some clever needle-threading solution will materialize. We even pray to God and ask him to help us focus as we conjure this deft maneuver.
The truth, however, is not some multi-dimensional chess strategy but our humble hearts. Not gaining supreme understanding, but accepting that you don’t understand and might never. But nonetheless submitting and giving Him the reins.
We were designed for relationship, not supreme knowledge, and we have been gifted a connection to omniscience. Let us embrace this connection and the peace that corresponds.